The deadline for the submission of the abstract is December 31, 2010.

Abstracts are reviewed and ranked by experts in the selected topic and they are allocated to PODIUM or POSTER Sessions. The Scientific Committee will take the final decision on your mode of presentation. Original scientific material is welcome and should not have been published or presented at other international meetings on a prior occasion. All accepted abstracts will be published and will be available on a CD-ROM and distributed to all registered participants.

Authors will be notified if their abstract has been selected by March 31, 2011.

Instructions for preparing abstracts
    - The abstracts must be written and presented in English.
    - The abstract must be submitted in form of a pdf file (Adobe Acrobat Version 7.0 or higher) completely finished.
    - The abstracts should be structured as follows :
           • Title
           • Authors
           • Affiliations
           • Text
           • Keywords
    - The abstracts should be informative, containing
           • A sentence statement of the study’s specific objective(s)
           • Brief statement of methods, if pertinent
           • Summary of results obtained
           • Statement of conclusions
    - It is mandatory to indicate your preference for PODIUM or POSTER Sessions. The scientific Committee reserves the right to change the       type of presentation.

Rules for the submission of paper
About the paper
    - Once the abstract has been accepted, the deadline for the submission of the full paper is June 30, 2011 with no exceptions.
    - The paper must be submitted in form of a Microsoft Word file (.doc) and pdf file (Adobe Acrobat Version 7.0 or higher) completely        finished.
    - The full paper should consist of no more than 12 pages.
    - The size of the file should not exceed under any circumstances 1.2 Mb.
    - The memoires of the Conference will consist of a CD ROM which will be distributed at the Conference.

Components of the paper

Title  : The title should briefly identify the subject and indicate the purpose of the document. The title should supply enough information for the reader to make a reliable decision on probable interest.

Authors  : Surname, First Name and initial of the second name should be indicated, using a comma to separate the Surname from the Name/Names. Further authors must be separated by a semicolon. First author should be the one who will deliver the paper, underlining Surname and Name. We would appreciate if this order is followed so the indexation work will be facilitated. Neither titles nor honors should be included.

Affiliations : Each author should be listed with one or more institutions. For each institution, identified with a number, include city, stat/province. Use this number as a superscript to the right of the name of each author.

Abstract  : The abstract provides a clear and concise summary of the information in an article. The abstract should include a hypothesis or rationale for the work, a brief description of the methods, a summary of the results, and a conclusion. The abstract should be less than 250 words.

Keywords  : A short list of keywords or phrases should be included immediately after the abstract as index words. Choose keywords that reflect the content of your article.

Introduction : The paper must start with a short introduction which must describe the background for the research and the purposes and objectives.

Methodology : This part must include the most relevant details of the experimental material, employed methods and instruments and applied statistical methodologies.

Results and discussion : This two sections may be together or separated and must include a discussion and analysis of the significance of the submitted data.

Conclusions : A concise section which summarizes the main achievements of the research.

Acknowledgements  : Acknowledgements are optional. Use them to thank individuals or organizations that provided assistance in materials, expertise, or financing. The acknowledgements will appear at the end of the text and should be limited to one or two sentences.

References / Bibliography : All the references must be quoted numerically, in the order in which they appear in the script.

Journal Article
References for journal articles list the author(s), the year of publication, the full title of the article, the journal title (Italic font), and the volume number, issue number (if any), and page range.
Example :
1. Villar A et al. (1987) Antimicrobial Activity of Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids. Pharmazie 42(4), 248-50.
2. Chulia S et al. (1995) Relaxant Activity of Three Aporphine Alkaloids from Annona cherimolia on Isolated Aorta of Rat. J Pharm Pharmacol     47(8), 647-50.

Book references list the author(s), the year of publication, the full title, the edition if other than the first, the place of publication, and the publisher. If you need to cite specific pages of a book, list them in the parenthetical citation, for example: (Allen, 1988, pp. 67-71).
Example :
1. Slocum P. & Robinson P. (1996) Water Gardening Water Lilies and Lotuses, U.S.A., 271.
2. Wittya Thiengbooranatham, Dr. Dictionary of Thai Medicine. 4th ed. Bangkok: Prachoomthongkarnphim, 1992, 442-3. (in Thai)

Fonts : "Times New Roman" is the only font typewritten throughout the paper.
    • The size of 14 points with bolding capital letter is recommended for the paper title.
    • The size of 11 points is recommended for Authors.
    • The size of 10 points with italic is recommended for Affiliations.
    • The size of 12 points with bolding capital letter is recommended for Sub-heading.
    • The size of 12 points is recommended for normal text.

Page setup : The four edges of the page margin should be set up as follows:
    • Top margin 2.5 cm (1 inch)
    • Left margin 2.5 cm (1 inch)
    • Right margin 2.5 cm (1 inch)
    • Bottom margin 2.5 cm (1 inch)

Line spacing : Text should be typewritten with 1 line spacing.

Official language: All the papers must be written in English U.S. style which is the official language of the IFSCC and its publication. This language must be used consistently in the whole text, graphs, figures and tables. The only exception is the use of references where the original form of writing independently of the language can be used to ease the search of this particular paper.

Units : The International System of Units SI must be used.

Trade marks : The references to common chemicals or commercial derivatives must be made using IUPAC, U.S.P., N.F. or INCI Nomenclature, should this one exist. No trademarks are accepted except for the case that it defines the quality of the product, in which case it must be mentioned behind the scientific/technical name in between of brackets. Should a material not be listed in any of the above mentioned references and it is absolutely necessary to mention a registered name or brand, indicate as a foot note the name and address of the producer and the chemical composition or structure.

Untitled Document