All posters must be written entirely in English
Authors are responsible for setting up and removing their posters themselves.ors are responsible for setting up and removing their posters themselves.
Do not fold posters: roll them up and carry them in a cardboard or plastic container.

• Maximum poster size is 115 cm high and 88 cm wide.
• Materials must be easily read at a distance of 1.5 m.
• A poster printed on one large sheet is encouraged.
• Hand written posters are not accepted.

• Poster should have a logical organization. Most posters have sequential sections (e.g. Background, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion). Use regions of empty space between poster elements to differentiate and accentuate these elements.
• Data should be clear, concise and well-organized.
• Avoid everything that can make your poster look excessively busy, such as boxes around graphs and tables, and long sentences.
• Limit the number of different fonts, different sizes of fonts and different colours.

• Aim for a short title.
• Size of the letters should be at least 96 point.
• State authors and affiliations below the title, in a smaller font.
• The title, author's name, and author’s affiliation are usually placed at the top and in the centre of the poster board.

Body text
• The text is more digestible if it is split into logical sections interspersed with graphics.
• Use bullet lists where possible.
• Minimize the amount of written text. Text should never dominate the poster.
• Use figures, tables graphs and photographs when appropriate.

• Avoid large tables. Make a selection of the most important results.
• Align decimal points.
• Title should inform about the information in the table.

Use of colour
• Use colour only to support the readability of your poster. One colour plus black offers best contrast.
• Restrained use of 2 - 3 colours for emphasis is valuable; overuse is not.

Untitled Document